Membership of Bude & District U3A continues to grow and members now have nearly 40 activity groups available, covering everything from art, to poetry, music, drama, birds, history, dowsing, discussion, gardening, photography, creative writing, walking and much more. Before the talk on Thursday, current Bude U3A Chairman, Jo Arnold, told the audience that many UK doctors were now prescribing U3A membership as an antidote to depression, as she encouraged everyone to get involved .
Recent group activities have included the Walking Group’s successful conquest of Roughtor and Brown Willy, and the Theatre Group’s trip to the Theatre Royal, Plymouth to see a performance of Tom Stoppard’s Rough Crossing. By coincidence they were there just after the installation of the UK’s tallest bronze statue, Joseph Hillier’s controversial ‘The Messenger’. Theatre Group trips are often eventful it seems. In January the group was stranded overnight in heavy snow on the way back from Plymouth! More information about Bude U3A can be found online at: For details of membership, call: 01409 253749