Christmas was celebrated by 55 members of the Bude & District U3A on Thursday 13th December. Members gathered at The Falcon Hotel, Bude for a delicious two or three course lunch held in a lovely festive atmosphere. Jo Arnold, the newly appointed Chairman of this branch of the U3A, welcomed members to the lunch and talked briefly about the year ahead and also offered thanks to everyone who had contributed to making our U3A such a growing success. Rosie Bowden was thanked for organising the event on behalf of fellow members. Mary Dobson gave a toast to absent friends – those who had passed away during the year.
After lunch a raffle was held, which rewarded winning ticket holders with a range of lovely prizes, such as a delicious Christmas cake from a local bakers, a beautiful Christmas flower arrangement and other goodies. Members Barbara Phoenix and Joyce Bickerstaff as usual organised the raffle brilliantly and successfully cajoled those present into buying as many tickets as possible.
After the final ticket was drawn and members were relaxing over coffee and mints, Jo wished everyone a very Happy Christmas and thanked everyone for coming, giving a special thanks to the hotel staff for their very kind attention and hard work in making our annual Christmas lunch a continuing success.
Caption to Photo: Jo Arnold (left), Chairman of the Bude & District U3A enjoying Christmas lunch with fellow friends and members.