Updated 24 April 2020


Whilst our usual Groups have been suspended due to Coronavirus, we at Bude U3A are committed to keeping you informed and to help you to stay in contact with other members of our U3A.

We published our Open Monthly Meeting report this month, describing the impact of the virus on our U3A branch.

The U3A itself has an interesting and useful section with further information and ideas for new things to do whilst the outbreak continues https://www.u3a.org.uk/covid-19

In addition, the U3A has introduced some discussion forums which it is encouraging members to use to exchange ideas.

We recommend that you subscribe to the National U3A monthly newsletter The current edition has some great ideas on keeping in touch.

The government has lots of useful and important guidance, especially if you are, or consider yourself to be, especially vulnerable to the virus.


As ever, there are criminals trying to steal money from people and the confusion and lack of knowledge about the virus is presenting many new opportunities for them.

Please maintain vigilance and do not give personal information, financial information or, indeed, money to anybody that you do not wholly trust.

Remember, the criminals operate via emails, text messages, phone calls.

If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud or given away more information than you wanted to, please contact YOUR BANK as soon as possible. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Some stories to help

We have received this from writer Louise Moss via the U3A head office

I am among the group that was asked by the government to stay at home.  I live alone and within days, I felt depressed, lonely and cut off from society, so I started WAC-19.  It is an initiative to help all those feeling lonely and isolated at this time, and who may be separated from family and friends.  Each day, a new short story is published on the website, selected to bring a smile to the face and lift the spirits. They can be found at http://www.louisemoss.comTop stories this week are:

A New Chapter:  Ralph contemplates a fresh start
Pomegranate:  An evocative story about a cat that came to stay
No Time for Tea: A true story, the spirit of the Blitz

I hope this is of interest. Best wishes. Louise

and finally…

If you think there is additional information that we should add to this page, please contact one of your Group leaders or a committee member. We are all here to help each other.