We meet on alternate Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude. When we are not rehearsing or compiling a play to perform, we mostly do improvisation and much laughter is often the norm. We don’t take our ‘craft’ over seriously, to enjoy is the order of the day and, if we can manage it, our ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
Learn to ‘speak’ your own language another way, signing is becoming an increasingly popular way for hearing people to communicate with those who have difficulties We meet on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, mostly for field trips. Most of our visits are all-day events. Watch this space for details of destinations, meeting places and times. This group arose out of the Geology group with a remit to expand and include geology, local industrial archaeology and heritage. There are a wealth of places to ...
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:30pm in a member's home. We have a schedule for each of the monthly meetings from September to July (taking a break in August to allow members time to indulge in holiday pursuits). A small ‘steering committee’ composes the yearly schedule, including the many requests from members that have been ...
Meets on 2nd Wednesday each month, at 10.30am in Falcon Hotel, Bude. The aim of this group is to choose a period of history and then look at several different aspects of life at the time. Topics for discussion might include literature, the arts, social customs, education, transport, science, fashion, food, sport, economics, politics, and so on.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30pm in a member's home in the Holsworthy area. We source our books from Bude Library’s Book Group Collection, reading one of their recommendations each month. We are a relaxed, friendly group who share responsibility for leading each meeting by researching the author etc. and we learn from each other, ...