Event Series Allotmenteering


A member's Home Bude District, United Kingdom

Allotmenteering is a new group meeting on 2nd & 4th Friday afternoons at 2 pm. The group will work on an allotment-style garden plot in a walled garden either in their own area or in an area shared with others.

Event Series Tai Chi-Qigong

Tai Chi-Qigong

Bude Methodist Church Hall Ergue Gaberic Way, Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 10.00 am in the Bude Methodist Church Hall. £2 per session. This group is run by a qualified Tai Chi instructor and we tend to focus on Qigong (energy work), ‘Shibashi’ and various other Qigong practices to promote health and wellbeing.

Event Series Mahjong


Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club Burn View, Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom

We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...

Event Series Play Reading

Play Reading

Falcon Hotel Breakwater Road, Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom

We meet on alternate Mondays at the Falcon Hotel coffee lounge at 10:15am. We order tea/coffee in the bar to cover venue costs. The plays are supplied by St Austell library and are ordered as and when needed.

Event Series Walking Group 2

Walking Group 2

Stratton Car park Stratton car park, Bude, United Kingdom

We meet on the 4th Monday of each month for walks of about 4-6 miles in the Bude and surrounding area. Please contact the Walking Group 2 Leader for details of the next walk and its meeting venue and time.  

Event Series Scrabble 2/Word Games

Scrabble 2/Word Games

A member's Home Bude District, United Kingdom

We meet on the fourth Monday of the month at 2:30pm at a member's home. Scrabble with other word games added, such as Quiddler, Upwords and Boggle.  Fun and friendly afternoons.

Event Series Drawing For All

Drawing For All

The Cricket Club THE CLUB HOUSE Crooklets Cricket Ground, Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 1:30 pm to 4.30 pm (summer time) 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm (winter time) in The Bude Cricket Club. Our Group offers opportunities which help us see and think like an artist.  We enjoy using a variety of media and share tricks of the trade for interesting effects. We aim to ...

Event Series Line Dancing – for Fun

Line Dancing – for Fun

Poughill village Hall

LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right.   It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.

Event Series Social Bridge

Social Bridge

Falcon Hotel Breakwater Road, Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom

We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...

Event Series Dowsing


Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  Time and place varies. Learn about energy and Ley lines, finding drain pipes, electricity cables and finding lost personal items.  Visit archaeology sites, local churches.  Indoor sessions could include dowsing for your own health, map reading and distance healing.  Anyone is welcome to join, you don't have to know anything about dowsing.