We meet on alternate Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude. When we are not rehearsing or compiling a play to perform, we mostly do improvisation and much laughter is often the norm. We don’t take our ‘craft’ over seriously, to enjoy is the order of the day and, if we can manage it, our ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
We meet on the 4th Monday of each month for walks of about 4-6 miles in the Bude and surrounding area. Please contact the Walking Group 2 Leader for details of the next walk and its meeting venue and time.
Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 1:30 pm to 4.30 pm (summer time) 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm (winter time) in The Bude Cricket Club. Our Group offers opportunities which help us see and think like an artist. We enjoy using a variety of media and share tricks of the trade for interesting effects. We aim to ...
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Time and place varies. Learn about energy and Ley lines, finding drain pipes, electricity cables and finding lost personal items. Visit archaeology sites, local churches. Indoor sessions could include dowsing for your own health, map reading and distance healing. Anyone is welcome to join, you don't have to know anything about dowsing.
Meets on the last Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in a member’s home or out on a field trip. Serendipity is the discovery, by chance, of pleasing and/or interesting things! So, in our Serendipity 2 Group, we don’t plan things too far ahead. We are open to members’ suggestions and then learn a great deal at our meetings about ...
We meet on the last Friday of each month at 10:30am at a member's home. A different subject is chosen each month and it is interesting to see the many different interpretations that members present. This group will suit all levels of expertise (or none) and is a perfect opportunity to learn from others which is, of course, what U3A ...
Meets on the last Friday of each month from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in the United Reformed Church at the bottom of Killerton Rd, Bude EX23 8EL Every aspect of family history is explored using old photographs, post cards, school reports and records etc. Unusual names, trades/professions of our ancestors often turn up some interesting stories and occasionally we ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
We meet on alternate Mondays at the Falcon Hotel coffee lounge at 10:15am. We order tea/coffee in the bar to cover venue costs. The plays are supplied by St Austell library and are ordered as and when needed.
We meet on the 1st Monday of the month usually around 10:30am, and on the 3rd Monday of each month usually around 2pm. Starting points vary. We are a friendly walking/strolling group for walks local to the Bude area, varying from 2-4 miles with a stop for refreshments where possible.
We meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, meeting at Stratton car park at 1:00pm unless otherwise advised. We share driving and costs to wherever we walk. Participants are responsible for their own safety and fitness but walks usually last for 2 hours and can be taken at slowest walkers’ pace. Walking boots or strong shoes plus ...
PLEASE check whether this group has restarted after covid. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30am to 12 noon at a member's home. The concept is informal discussion on current affairs. Attributes required for this group are an enquiring mind, the willingness to share, to listen and have fun.
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...
Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. The venue will usually be a garden visit. Most of the time we visit gardens, which are sometimes opened especially for us. November is our planning meeting for the coming year. December is often a ‘Gardener’s Question Time’ hosted by a member. January a shared lunch with a plant and seed swap ...
PLEASE check whether this group has restarted after covid. Meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 10.30 am in a member’s home. Despite the rather dry-sounding name of our group, we are kept young and lively by the excitement of looking into poems as if they were deep rock pools, with different things swimming around inside them. We ...
Meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in a member’s home in Bude. We study, present, look at and discuss paintings by established artists worldwide. Twice a year we visit local gallery art exhibitions, usually between a lunch and afternoon tea at our chosen venue. Our yearly ‘Fakes’ exhibition is in December rendering ‘our take’ on the ...
We hold a friendly coffee morning at the Weir Bistro on the 1st Friday of every month, from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. All members and those interested in joining us are very welcome. You can meet available members of the Committee and other members who are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about The Bude ...
We meet on the first and third Friday of each month at 2:00pm at a member’s home. The fascination of words and the fun of board games make this a very popular group.
We meet on alternate Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude. When we are not rehearsing or compiling a play to perform, we mostly do improvisation and much laughter is often the norm. We don’t take our ‘craft’ over seriously, to enjoy is the order of the day and, if we can manage it, our ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
Learn to ‘speak’ your own language another way, signing is becoming an increasingly popular way for hearing people to communicate with those who have difficulties We meet on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, mostly for field trips. Most of our visits are all-day events. Watch this space for details of destinations, meeting places and times. This group arose out of the Geology group with a remit to expand and include geology, local industrial archaeology and heritage. There are a wealth of places to ...
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:30pm in a member's home. We have a schedule for each of the monthly meetings from September to July (taking a break in August to allow members time to indulge in holiday pursuits). A small ‘steering committee’ composes the yearly schedule, including the many requests from members that have been ...
We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...
Meets on 2nd Wednesday each month, at 10.30am in Falcon Hotel, Bude. The aim of this group is to choose a period of history and then look at several different aspects of life at the time. Topics for discussion might include literature, the arts, social customs, education, transport, science, fashion, food, sport, economics, politics, and so on.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30pm in a member's home in the Holsworthy area. We source our books from Bude Library’s Book Group Collection, reading one of their recommendations each month. We are a relaxed, friendly group who share responsibility for leading each meeting by researching the author etc. and we learn from each other, ...
Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10.00am in the Parkhouse, Bude. Photos produced around the monthly theme are discussed in a relaxed and supportive manner. As well as helping each other with photographic queries we also hold occasional outings often in conjunction with Photography Group 1.
Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in a member’s home in Bude. What do we do? We write short stories and sometimes do little exercises that help with inspiration, plots and layouts. And, we chat a lot! The stories, written at home, vary in length, usually from 500 to 1000 words. They are fairly short because ...
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 10.00 am in the Bude Methodist Church Hall. £2 per session. This group is run by a qualified Tai Chi instructor and we tend to focus on Qigong (energy work), ‘Shibashi’ and various other Qigong practices to promote health and wellbeing.
Allotmenteering is a new group meeting on 2nd & 4th Friday afternoons at 2 pm. The group will work on an allotment-style garden plot in a walled garden either in their own area or in an area shared with others.
Singing for Fun We meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 2:30pm at a member’s home. We always have fun and enjoy all types of music. Remember that music and singing are good for you and can even improve your health. We visit Fairfield Residential Home on the 1st Monday of each month where the residents ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
We meet on alternate Mondays at the Falcon Hotel coffee lounge at 10:15am. We order tea/coffee in the bar to cover venue costs. The plays are supplied by St Austell library and are ordered as and when needed.
We meet on the 1st Monday of the month, usually around 10:30am, and on the 3rd Monday of the month, usually around 2pm. Starting points will vary. We are a friendly walking/strolling group for walks local to the Bude area, varying from 2-4 miles with a stop for refreshments where possible.
We meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, meeting at Stratton car park at 1:00pm unless otherwise advised. We share driving and costs to wherever we walk. Participants are responsible for their own safety and fitness but walks usually last for 2 hours and can be taken at slowest walkers’ pace. Walking boots or strong shoes plus ...
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...
We hold a friendly coffee morning at the Brendon Arms, Bude, every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. All members and those interested in joining us are very welcome. You can meet available members of the Committee and other members who are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about The Bude ...
Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2pm in the Falcon, we are a small, friendly and diverse group. Each month, we read and discuss one book, recommended by a member, from a wide range of authors and genres. We also have access to Cornwall library’s selection of sets of novels.
Bude & District U3A holds OPEN MONTHLY MEETINGS most months - with a Speaker. These are held at 2.30 pm at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude, usually on the 3rd Thursday of every month except August, October (our Annual General Meeting) and December (our Christmas Festivity). The OPEN MONTHLY MEETINGS are free and include refreshments. Visitors are welcome to come along ...
We meet on the first and third Friday of each month at 2:00pm at a member’s home. The fascination of words and the fun of board games make this a very popular group.
We meet on alternate Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude. When we are not rehearsing or compiling a play to perform, we mostly do improvisation and much laughter is often the norm. We don’t take our ‘craft’ over seriously, to enjoy is the order of the day and, if we can manage it, our ...
We meet at 10:00 am every Monday at the Bude & North Cornwall Golf Club. Mahjong is an interesting game of strategy & skill played on many levels. It is like Rummy. You do need a set of tiles – preferably 148 in the set with 4 racks. The idea is to collect formations of the tiles, so we have ...
We meet on the 4th Monday of each month for walks of about 4-6 miles in the Bude and surrounding area. Please contact the Walking Group 2 Leader for details of the next walk and its meeting venue and time.
LINE DANCING - FOR FUN This is a group that enjoys the fun of line dancing without worrying about telling their left from their right. It is run by an experienced teacher every week. Feel free to come along as often as you wish. There is a charge per session.
We are a small, friendly and patient group, full of enthusiasm but until recently short of a space to play. However, we have continued to enjoy steady success in attracting new members, and happily, we have now secured the use of an Area in the Restaurant at The Brendon Arms, for our meetings. We start at 2.30 and play for ...
Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Time and place varies. Learn about energy and Ley lines, finding drain pipes, electricity cables and finding lost personal items. Visit archaeology sites, local churches. Indoor sessions could include dowsing for your own health, map reading and distance healing. Anyone is welcome to join, you don't have to know anything about dowsing.
We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 2:30pm at a member’s home, with occasional trips out. Serendipity can be defined as the gift of making fortunate discoveries by accident, so this group was conceived back in 2006 with the aim ‘to support, enable and encourage the exploration of an idea or project and to be inspired by ...
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 2.00 pm at Bude Croquet Club. We aim to get people playing Golf Croquet games within 15 mins of starting their first session. No equipment is required other than flat-soled shoes (such as trainers, tennis shoes or similar) – mallets, balls, hoops etc. all provided by Bude Croquet Club. ...
Meets on the 4th Thursday at 2.00pm in a member’s home in Kilkhampton. We play a relaxed game making use of dictionaries, come and join us.
Meets on the last Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in a member’s home or out on a field trip. Serendipity is the discovery, by chance, of pleasing and/or interesting things! So, in our Serendipity 2 Group, we don’t plan things too far ahead. We are open to members’ suggestions and then learn a great deal at our meetings about ...
Allotmenteering is a new group meeting on 2nd & 4th Friday afternoons at 2 pm. The group will work on an allotment-style garden plot in a walled garden either in their own area or in an area shared with others.
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 10.00 am in the Bude Methodist Church Hall. £2 per session. This group is run by a qualified Tai Chi instructor and we tend to focus on Qigong (energy work), ‘Shibashi’ and various other Qigong practices to promote health and wellbeing.
We meet on the last Friday of each month at 10:30am at a member's home. A different subject is chosen each month and it is interesting to see the many different interpretations that members present. This group will suit all levels of expertise (or none) and is a perfect opportunity to learn from others which is, of course, what U3A ...