The membership fee for 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025 is £20.00 if you wish to continue
receiving a printed copy of our quarterly Newsletter. For those members who are going to access the Newsletter online only,
the fee will be £15.00.

When joining, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy which you can read here

There are two ways to Join or Renew.

1. We prefer that you use this method.
    Decide how much you want to pay, using the details in the form below.
    Make your payment directly through your bank by BACS.
    Then fill in the BACS Payment Notification form below and click Submit to let us know what you have done.
    This gives us all the details we need to renew your membership.


2. Download our Join Us Form below, then send the form to us with a cheque.

Membership Application, Renewal and BACS Payment Notification

If you are making a payment, please make a BACS PAYMENT to:-


Account Name BUDE & DISTRICT U3A
Sort Code 30-91-41
Account Number 00273957

Please include your LAST NAME and POST CODE, if possible, in your BACS payment reference when you make your payment, then let us know the Payment Reference in the form below.

Membership Application, Renewal and BACS Payment Notification
If the additional person is at a different address, please make a separate payment and fill in a separate BACS Payment Notification Form - thank you.
Reminder: By becoming a member you are indicating that you accept the basic principles of the u3a Movement and are willing to share your experience, skills, and time to contribute to the running of Bude & District u3a.
If you are a UK Taxpayer, and you tick this Gift Aid Declaration, it will allow Bude & District u3a to claim an extra amount (currently 25p) from HMRC for every £ of your subscription.
If your circumstances change or you wish to cancel this declaration at any time, please contact the Treasurer (contact details in your newsletter) or email

I wish my subscription, and any additional member subscription above, to the Bude & District u3a charity to be treated as a Gift Aid donation.
This is the reference you used on your BACs payment to u3a

Paper Membership Form 

If you do not wish to use the BACS payment method above, please download and complete the following form and send it together with your cheque (made out to Bude & District u3a), to: u3a Membership Secretary, 38 Fairfield Road, Bude, EX23 8DJ.

If the membership application form appears below, you can click on the top right arrow to see more. Otherwise, please use the link below to download it to your computer.