Bude U3A – July Monthly Meeting Report
Members of Bude & District U3A were treated to a theatrical presentation by the u3a Drama Group for their July Open Meeting at the Parkhouse Centre in Bude. Instead of the usual guest speaker at a monthly meeting, the Drama Group performed a short ‘quartet of plays and sketches, with the emphasis on comedy’.
First, however, the Notices and u3a business matters were dealt with by Vice Chairman, Jim Buck. Jim welcomed everyone and reminded members that the new membership year begins in September, closely followed by the AGM in October. More information will be available in the u3a August Newsletter and on the u3a website – www.budeu3a.co.uk. There is no monthly meeting in August.
Speaker Secretary, Valerie Langdown then introduced the Drama Group Leader, Paul Constantinou who gave a brief introduction to what the audience was about to see. ‘Using comedy as the medium, the plays explore various aspects of modern life’, he said. Subject matter included the potential pitfalls of online dating, life in an office where everyone turns out to be a robot, meeting through a Personal Column, and ‘a bird’s eye view of being human’, where the three characters are crows.
The six cast members played a variety of roles and were warmly applauded at the end of the set. Paul thanked the audience and said how much the Group had enjoyed preparing and rehearsing for the show. New members are also always welcome he added.
The customary tea / coffee and biscuits came next as members chatted to friends, old and new. At the next Monthly Meeting on September 19th, the topic is ‘Collecting Antiques, Auctions, and Unusual Objects from the past’. The speaker is Jim Bischoff. The next u3a Coffee Morning is on August 2nd at the Weir Café and is open to members and non-members.