Tai Chi-Qigong

Bude Methodist Church Hall Ergue Gaberic Way, Bude

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 10.00 am in the Bude Methodist Church Hall. £2 per session. This group is run by a qualified Tai Chi instructor and we tend to focus on Qigong (energy work), ‘Shibashi’ and various other Qigong practices to promote health and wellbeing.

Photography 1

A member's Home Bude District

We meet on the last Friday of each month at 10:30am at a member's home. A different subject is chosen each month and it is interesting to see the many different interpretations that members present.  This group will suit all levels of expertise (or none) and is a perfect opportunity to learn from others which is, of course, what U3A ...

Family History

United Reform Church, Killerton Rd., Bude Killerton Rd, Bude

Meets on the last Friday of each month from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in the United Reformed Church at the bottom of Killerton Rd, Bude EX23 8EL Every aspect of family history is explored using old photographs, post cards, school reports and records etc. Unusual names, trades/professions of our ancestors often turn up some interesting stories and occasionally we ...