Open Monthly Meeting March 2020

In line with government advice and strategy on dealing with the coronavirus outbreak, Bude & District U3A has cancelled its Open Monthly Meetings until further notice. The first casualty was the meeting planned for Thursday, 19th March. This was to feature the much anticipated talk by Rosemary Lee on ‘Travels in Bhutan’.

All study and activity group meetings involving social contact have also been cancelled. Depending on the nature of the group, however, many U3A members are finding other ways to stay connected and to ensure that group projects and interests continue.  Some groups are planning to continue activities online, some via email, or simply, on the phone! All in all, Bude U3A (University of the Third Age) offers members about forty different groups covering interests ranging from Walking and Line Dancing, to History of Art, Singing for Fun, Drama, Drawing for All and much more.

The next edition of the U3A quarterly Newsletter is due in May and will give members a further way of staying in touch and sharing ideas and information.

Bude U3A is also encouraging members to register online to receive the newsletter emailed regularly by the national body of the U3A. The newsletter helps to keep everyone up-to-date and currently shares news and information on how other U3As across the country are dealing with the coronavirus situation. It’s yet another way to stay connected and involved.  U3A members can register to receive the newsletter at: