The Rocks & Ruins Group in January at Northam Burrows

The Rocks & Ruins Group in January at Northam Burrows with the Ranger from the Burrows, Rose Roberts, giving us a guided tour of the World War 2 artefacts and remaining archaeology on the Burrows and Skern Marsh.

It was a bit breezy(!) but the rain stayed away and we had an excellent morning, followed by lunch!

Our guide has provided the following links to further information about WWII and Northam Burrows. I really encourage you to take a look – they are fascinating.

Various information and leaflets about WWII in North Devon can be found on:

A video of the panjandrum, landing craft and trials of amphibious vehicles can be found on:

A photo of the first ‘frogmen’ walking up the slipway to Appledore lifeboat station: